
Ministry is Big

Sometimes ministry is obvious — like a Sunday School class or a mission trip. But really ministry can be anything that speaks life into others. At FBC Sweet Springs we're involved in many ministries. Some of these are expressed through art or writing, some through active participation in our community or government. You see the list of the larger ministries we facilitate on a regular basis. But we also host community meals, throw a yearly block party, support Operation: Christmas Child in partnership with Samaritan's Purse, assist families in times of hardship through the Ministerial Alliance, and see to the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of our neighbors and our brothers and sisters in ways and unique as each of us.

We're a community. We're not all the same, and so neither are our ministries. That's the way God made us — a BODY of believers, not just a bunch of eyes or elbows.

We're excited about the many things He's doing through us here in Sweet Springs and around the world, and we invite you to come and join us, because there's a place and a role for you here.


One way that we at FBC Sweet Springs try to meet the spiritual needs of our members and guests is by providing opportunities for discipleship, group worship, and outreach.

Sunday Morning Worship
Senior Adults
Clothes Closet
Grief Support