What to Expect








We'd love for you to come join us on Sunday morning, but sometimes it can be daunting when you aren't sure what to expect. So here is a snap-shot of what a typical Sunday morning looks like at FBC Sweet Springs.

First, you'll be greeted with a smile as you come in. If for some odd reason no one is there at the door, I promise we'll smile at you later.

Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:45 in the sanctuary. Feel free to sit wherever you like. No one will give you the stink-eye for sitting in "their pew". Right now we're practicing social distancing and sitting in our family-units. Announcements will be displayed on the projection screen in the front to let you know what's going on in the church and community this week, and our AV team will have some great contemporary Christian music playing in the background.

We all like each other a lot, so sometimes we have trouble getting to our seats on time, but we get started at 10:45. The services is livestreamed on Facebook @FBCSweetSprings. We take time to share a few announcements and give testimony about what the Lord is doing in our community. 

Next we open with the reading of the Scriptures before we sing together to praise our God and Savior and to edify each other. The songs we sing are a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary praise and worship. 

Our pastor then shares a teaching from the Scriptures. 

We then stop the livestream and enter a time of prayer. We pray for one another and share how the Lord has answered prayer in the past week. Then we close with song and an opportunity for anyone to come forward with a word that God has placed on their hearts, to speak to Kris, to ask questions or to join our family. 

After the service, we usually hang around to chat for a while. It's a good chance to catch up and get to know new people.